America is predicated on one thing: Our rights come from God. Again, that’s what the Declaration of Independence says. The Constitution is predicated on the Declaration. Our 1776 birth certificate explains why we exist. The Constitution then explains how our government is to work. The Constitution is signed in the Year of our Lord 1787 and the 12th year of the Declaration. No Declaration, no Constitution. Likewise no birth of Jesus (1787 years earlier), no Constitution.
When rights come from God, they are non-negotiable. Ideas have consequences.
Why can’t we learn from the failed Soviet Union? It’s a huge, 70-year nightmare of bloodshed unleashed by official atheism.
But the secular fundamentalists of today do everything they can to strip away our Judeo-Christian heritage. They’ve been quite successful at it. Now many of our schools have become something even Bill Clinton spoke out against: “religion-free zones.”
Today, a valedictorian can thank any power or person or force he or she wants to—unless it’s the G-word or worse, the J-word. One valedictorian actually had her microphone cut off in the middle of her speech because the authorities feared she was going to thank Jesus Christ for His help. That’s government censorship of speech. Score another one for the secular fundamentalists.
Law professor and author Gary Amos wrote a helpful book, Defending The Declaration: How the Bible and Christianity Influenced the Writing of the Declaration of Independence. He notes, “Jefferson’s Declaration was a masterpiece of law, government, and rights. He tied together with few words hundreds of years of English political theory. The long shadows of the Magna Carta, the common law, Catholic and Calvinist resistance theories, the English Bill of Rights, and the Petition of Right are cast within its lines.”[1]
Gary Amos notes: “Twentieth-century society has lost any foundation for a defensible understanding of ‘rights.’”[2] This is because we have explicitly moved away from Judeo-Christian influence. But, contrary to the historical revisionists, such was not the case with the founders of America: “If we examine the component parts of the founders’ concept of inalienable rights and trace those ideas into ancient history, we find that the Bible and the church had more influence on the formation of rights theories than did Greece, Rome, or the Renaissance.”[3]
[1] Gary T. Amos, Defending The Declaration: How the Bible and Christianity Influenced the Writing of the Declaration of Independence (Charlottesville, Virginia: Providence Foundation Press, 1994), 33.
[2] Amos, Defending The Declaration, 103.
[3] Ibid., 105.