Category Archives: Jerry’s Blog
News of Jefferson’s Unorthodoxy Reached his Longtime Pastor
The Inklings of the University of Virginia
Jefferson’s Creeping Unbelief

[Pictured: photo by Jerry Newcombe of the Charlottesville courthouse, historic site of the evangelical church that Jefferson helped organize as a layman in the late 1770’s] Jefferson was not a lifelong skeptic. Nor did he believe that God should be banished from the public square. By today’s standards, he might …
The Jefferson of History Was Not the Jefferson of the ACLU
Jefferson Begins to Sink into Doubt—and a Misunderstanding of the Holy Trinity
Despite Some Doubts, Jefferson Was Generous to Christian Causes

Thomas Jefferson was not a lifelong skeptic…although later in life, he privately expressed some doubts about core Christian doctrines. Our book, DOUBING THOMAS, shows that he went through several phases of belief or the lack thereof through his long life. The book also shows that he did not believe in …
Jefferson Explains His So-called “Jefferson Bible” (Version 1, 1804—intended for the Indians)

[File image] There are two main points to our book, DOUBTING THOMAS (co-authored by Charlottesville pastor, Dr. Mark Beliles and me). 1) Jefferson was not a lifelong skeptic. When he was most productive and helpful to the country, he was from all outward appearances a believing Christian. 2) Regardless of …
Jefferson Was a Good Statesman, But a Lousy Theologian
Jefferson’s Doubts in the Christian Faith Begin to Emerge

[Pictured: founding father Benjamin Rush, mentioned in this blogpost.] Earlier in his life, when he was of great use to his country, Thomas Jefferson was by all outward appearances a believing Christian. Later, he came to harbor doubts about core Christian doctrines. But our book, Doubting Thomas, documents that he was not a …